Monday, July 25, 2011

24 Hours to live...

I you only have 24 Hours to live... what would you do?

Nah! inilah antara hasil ber'togetherness'... sa suruh kamu bikin progress report, ada juga side track ah. Sambil menyelam minum beer butul kamurang! *ai!* hahahaha

BTW, this video is made by my colleague extraordinaire Joannie Jomitol. Some parts of the video was a bit shaky but it matches and in a way, compliment the concept. For a newbie in videography, I'd say Joni did a great job! I can see 'joni's touch' in the video, which is cool! I'm looking forward for her future piece(s) of art.. aiseymen! hehe

Well, I didn't really take it seriously when she posted the question during the shooting of the video @ Lembah Impian Country Homes. It was about 10.30pm and I've been facilitating a workshop since 9am; I was extremely tired *my eye bags says it all!* muka pun pucat2 suda ni hahaha. The shooting of my video, Jessica's & Fordy (da guy who said "saya mau cium dia"; also one of my colleague) was done at the same session *notice the background voices?* hahaha

During the shooting, actually there are 3 parts to my answer. But yang satu was not included, thank God it was edited/removed! Si Jessica bilang "Nasib itu scene teda...kalau bapa ko dingar, nanti ko kana rutan!" wakakaka

And the "beer yang ada love dalam dia" is actually a description of an image that I've given during the team building activity that we did earlier that day ... masih lekat tu imej dalam otak sa masa tu! hihi. (NOTE: Ini adalah kesan sampingan orang yang overdose workshop) *hahaha :P*

Come to think about it kan...what would I *really* do if I only have 24 hours to live??? *assuming that I know la kunun when would the '24 hours' be* ... and I'd say:

Spending Time:
I would spend some time with my family (Read: Daddy, Grandma & 3 sisters), visit my mum's graveyard and spend some time with the one that I love *ehem! yang sa mo kawin la ni!* (if any) :P hahahahahaha.

Write some short notes for my love ones and do a closing entry in my blog.

Go for confession minta ampun segala dosa, ask for anointing & receive the Eucharist *supaya masuk heaven* ;p

ok, sebelum sa kasi masuk list benda yang bukan2 & kurang sesuai untuk tatapan bot2 kecil..

Whatever the things that I would do in the last 24 hours of mine, I will try to make sure that the message behind 3 little words that means big: I Love You! must be communicated to my love ones. Orang bilang actions speaks louder than words *which is true*... tapi kalau ada 24 hours lagi mau hidup, inda payah la "actions" lagi bah, "speak" terus!.. Lambat lagi sampai tu mesej kalau through actions.. hahahahaha.. Tapi kalau yang inda sempat "speak"... still have the "write" option la... (NOTE: For most women *including me!*, they need to hear the words in order to be convinced! *andang2* hihi)

Last but not least,

HE is the reason that I live, the rest are the reason I want to live =)

P/S: Make hay while the sun still shines!

1 comment:

JONI said...

hahah..anduuu...i love everyone in the video..very spontaneous and FUN yaaa!! thanks for being part of the small video project...