Monday, April 06, 2009

My New Toy!!!

Align Center

I bought myself a new phone last saturday... yippie!!!

It's the Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 (silver color) ...& I'm loving it!

Gete oo kan! hehe ;p


~|..BIAN..|~ said...

ada org kaya oh..kekekeke..

SuMmeR_Ra|n said...

Tity... Cindy here. I changed my blog alrdy. Smart oh ur phone... Made me feel like changing mine too. Hehe! Kdai mana yg jual hp reliable??

Charlene Dawn @ TiTy said...


ever heard of the word saving? hahaha mana ada kaya tu. its an effort (read: save) to get sumthing that I want...lain cerita la kalau sa kena loteri or ada koleksi sugar daddy LOL ;p

Hi cindy,

Been eyeing for that fon eversince I saw it! hehe.. I duno which kedai ooo. I didn't get the chance to survey other hp shops except for the ones in CP. i dun hv the tym.. other than in CP maybe you can check out in Karamunsing, they said sana oso ok..