Wednesday, January 14, 2009

TiTy survived from the leeches! HuHu

Charlene is going to NUS & Danum! **Trying hard not to think of leeches!huhu..**.
Charlene Dawn at 7.51pmm January 11 via Facebook Mobile

Ndak apa bah tu leeches.. If it falls on you, just use your hand and fling the leeches to somewhere else saja lar... hahahaha....
Yvonne Koh at 8:12pm January 11 via Facebook

Shan-Khee will be bodyguard-ing Charlene to meet Mr. Leeches in the jungle tomorrow ;-) kekeke...(senyum kambing).
Shan-Khee Lee at 12:07am January 12 via Facebook

Hopefuly Mr. Leeches will behave well during Charlene's visit to the jungle. So her bodyguard won't be hvg a hard time bodyguarding her.hahaha ;p
Charlene Dawn at 5:37am January 12 via Facebook Mobile

hehe..sure Mr Leeches is good behaved one and he is so gentle and understanding till he willing to came to see you all the way from far far away jungle lah...memand nasib ko lah Char ;-) haha
Shan-Khee Lee at 7:25pm January 13 via Facebook

I'm back to KK! and I survived from the Mr. Leeches... Hehe

It will definitely be a journey to remember. I love North Ulu Segama & I love Danum. Both are beautiful places (highly recomended to those who love nature). Will share more - bila sa ada masa utk membuat karangan yang bertemakan 'Pengalaman Saya!' huhu


~|..BIAN..|~ said...

ala, teda sijil digigit lintah la ni?

Anonymous said...

Darn!! You didn't get bitten?? Ndapa harap approve projek so lain kali buli kena gigit.. ops!! i know what u gonna say, "You're not helpin' at all!!" hahahahah..

Charlene Dawn @ TiTy said...


why wanna waste paper to acknowledge 'the bite' of an ugly creature? not required in my resume..hehehe


Quote "ops!! i know what u gonna say, "You're not helpin' at all!!"

true enuff! but u forgot sumthing... It shud be all CAPS with extra 1 EXCLAMATION MARK... :p