Friday, June 08, 2012


Word of the day 'ohmigad!'. Digunakan utk memberi impact shock dlm sesuatu ayat. Cth ayat: ohmigad! Kaki kiriku patah!

My left leg is fractured (1-2 inches above my knee). I fell abt 2 months ago (it was drizzling at that time  so the stairs is a bit slippery. Malag tidak berbau, saya tergelincir d tangga kapal tp  abg co-pilot sempat pegang saya jd sa x jatuh bedebuk seperti nangka busuk hehe).

Da fall causes a very minor hairline fracture on my bones (which i didnt realise, i thot the pain was bcos of 'salah urat' or muscle). It became worst with my back-to-back traveling until a month ago, coming back from KL, i cudnt walk bcos of da pain. Which then leads me to end up on my granny's wheel chair (i've been using it for a month now, mahal suda ni sewa dia hahahaha)

1st xray shows that it was hairline fracture/stress fracture. 2nd xray yesterday shows that there's a crack near the hairline fracture area.

So my leg needs to br covered with fiberglass cast for at least 1 month *sigh*

Requested for a pink fibreglass cast, tp habis stok! Hurm..

P/S: wanna sign my cast? >.<

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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