Friday, November 11, 2011

Going gaga with 11.11.11 @ 11.11pm

At this time, I'm uploading my recent pic after my operation. I lost 3 kg!..huhu... BTW, dats da teddy bear from my family in comes with a flower bouquet. thank you! xoxo

For me, 11.11.11 its just an ordinary day with a beautiful date (beautiful enough for people to go gaga about it! :P)

Quoted (Fr. Fundes Motiung)

"the date (11.11.11) is not important because everyday is a gift from God. But what we do or how we make use of the day determine whether the day is a blessing or not.. 11.11.11 is only a date"


chezzem said...

Yessssss nampak kurus!!! And yaeyyyy the teddy! Hihi teda smurf mo bagi huhu.

Charlene Dawn @ TiTy said...

takpe.. teddy bear pink pun cute.. comel macam danish hahaha

amus said...

ola, friend. it's been a while. hopefully getting better than b4.