Figure 1: Event Board @ Lembah Impian Country Homes
I spent the last 2 days facilitating this meeting. It's a lock-up workshop for one of the project team in WeWeF, to prepare the year end report for the donors of the project. I don't want to say much about the meeting. If I do so, I would be committing one of the deadly sins... yg numbur 8! *kidding* :P
Lets talk about the team building activity that we had!
The team building activity was facilitated by my bos. Since my bos is facilitating, i've got the chance to participate la hihi. In this team building activity:-
Lets talk about the team building activity that we had!
The team building activity was facilitated by my bos. Since my bos is facilitating, i've got the chance to participate la hihi. In this team building activity:-
First of all we were instructed to line-up according to our date & month of birth (not the year). Macam biasa yang lahir hujung tahun *macam saya* memang paling belakang la. Then after that we were being paired up. My partner is my colleague extraordinaire Joannie Jomitol aka Joni da great! So its "Chalindon & Joni da great!" kunun la hahaha
In this activity, one person needs to be the communicator and one person is going to be the drawer. The communicator was given one pic with sets of geometrical images in it, and the person who is drawing is given a piece of blank paper and a pen. In the first round, I was the communicator and I need to describe the geometrical images in the picture to the drawer, Joni and Joni needs to draw according to my instructions. The drawer cannot ask any question to the communicator. We were given 1 minute to complete the task.
Note: each pair must sit back to back (the drawer cannot see the pic that the communicator is describing)
Chalindon's instruction (as far as my brain can remember la)
- Ok. Kedudukan kertas potrait ah. Di bahagian paling kiri, tengah lukis satu segitiga sama sisi.
- Ok. Trus di bawah dia lukis satu silinder yg bentuk macam tin beer. Trus dalam tin beer ada love.
- Lepas tu di bawah tu silinder tadi, di bahagian tengah sikit. Lukis satu bulatan yang ada cross. Macam itu simbol peace, tapi dia cross la.
- Trus di cross yang garis melintang, hujung kanan dia bersambung sama satu segiempat tepat yg senget! Itu segiempat tepat yang senget kasi shading ah!
- Trus atas tu segiempat tepat yang senget, lukis satu segiempat sama.
- Atas ni segiempat sama ada segitiga. Bercantum ah ni segitiga & segiempat sama.
- Trus di kanan tu segiempat ada bulan sabit!
Time's up! And wallah! this was Joni interpretation to my instructions :p
Figure 2: Joni's drawing (left); The pic described by Chalindon (right)
Joni says: hahaha tu bulan sabit jadi pisang trus habis neves mo habis masa.. Hahaha
In the 2nd round, we switch roles. And this time Chalindon is the drawer kunun! *dang! I failed my art* hahaha :P. Btw, in this round the drawer can ask question & we were given 2 minutes to complete the task.
Our conversation
- Joni: kertas potrait! kalu tangan kanan sa atas kertas, ibu jari di posisi koordinat 1, jari telunjuk 2, next jari 3, 4 & kelingking 5 ah.
- Chalindon: ok.
- Joni: ok di koordinat 1, paling atas, lukis satu bendera. Ni bendera berkibar 1 kali seja.
- Chalindon: ok sudah
- Joni: Next, di bawah dia lukis satu segitiga yang bucu dia ngam2 d tengah2 bahagian bawah tu bendera. Itu segitiga garis putus2 ah.
- Chalindon: ok. Bucu atas ngam2 sentuh tu bahagian tengah kibaran tu bendera kan?
- Joni: ya. Trus garisan dia putus2 ah. Di tengah2 ni segitiga ada itu bulatan yang macam tadi yang ada cross *hahaha..ada reference* :D
- Chalindon: ok. Ni lilitan bulatan menyentuh tu garisan segitiga ka? *huiyoo tekaluar maths term* :P
- Joni: Iya. Trus di bawah tu segitiga ada satu segiempat tepat yang 3D. Err ko pandai lukis 3D ka? *ches ko Joni! mantang2 sa fail art* hahaha :P
- Chalindon: Hahaha! Pandai bah.. Ini segiempat tepat 3D kedudukan dia menegak atau melintang? Bercantum ka sama tu segitiga? *uii banyak tanya si kawan..hihi*
- Joni: Menegak. Iya dia bercantum tu
- Chalindon: see thru ka itu segiempat tepat 3D?
- Joni: Ya *note ini Joni salah kasi instruction! inda see thru tu 3D haha*
- Chalindon: ok next.
- Joni: Ok di kedudukan jari 3 & 4. Aiseymen, koordinat jari lagi tu ai ai..hahaha. ok di kedudukan jari 3 & 4, di bahagian bawah ah.. lukis 1 segitiga yg bucu 90 darjah dia di bawah bahagian kiri, ini segitiga berampai secara melintang.
- Chalindon: haha.. kreatif bah tu guna koordinat jari.. paling manang! hahaha *sempat!*..ok tu segitiga punya bucu 90 darjah bahagian kiri kan?
- Joni: Hahaha Iya. Trus di bawah dia ada satu segiempat tepat melintang macam yg ko suruh sa lukis tadi, tapi ni ni segiempat tepat tidak senget. Dia punya bucu saja yang bulat2. Tidak tajam ah bucu dia.
Figure 3: Chalindon's drawing (left); The pic described by Joni (right)
Nasib sa inda jadi arkitek. Kalau inda, silap2 buli roboh rumah yang sa design! hahaha ;p
Thru this exercise, 3 things that we learn are * ekceli banyak from but sa pilih yang paling menang! hehe*.
We learn:
- The importance of communication in working as a team
- How easy it is for one brain to misinterprate what the other brain has inteprated! hahaha
- That generation gap is one of the major factor that leads to failure in communication. Bahasa generasi muda masa kini telampau advance bah. Susah mo paham! ekekeke (eg. urban language :p)
Figure 4: Sika showing the name of the room
Figure 5: Katil itu! yang punca lambat bangun sebab dia bikin orang inda mo bangun ni! haha
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:@ Lembah Impian Country Homes
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