This clip was circulated by my colleague today.
It was the captured moments plus interviews during EH 2009 in Waterfront KK. Tetau sepa tukang ambil video tu.I think She is somebedy from the local media Scubazoo Marine Filming.
There's a part in the clip where my colleague Rashidah were interviewed. I was sitting beside her and I thot the camerawoman focus muka dia ja.. tau2 ada juga muka sa jd wallpaper sana (yaiks!)..kuikuikui.. funny ooo.. angguk2 lagi tu! trip pelakon Oscar butul! macam tau ja! nasib baik ada baca Earth Hour FAQ.. huhuhu..Owh yg ramai2 teriak Earth Hour! pun ada.. Noves, muka ko pun ada ni ekekeke...
Enjoy da clip! ;p
It was the captured moments plus interviews during EH 2009 in Waterfront KK. Tetau sepa tukang ambil video tu.
There's a part in the clip where my colleague Rashidah were interviewed. I was sitting beside her and I thot the camerawoman focus muka dia ja.. tau2 ada juga muka sa jd wallpaper sana (yaiks!)..kuikuikui.. funny ooo.. angguk2 lagi tu! trip pelakon Oscar butul! macam tau ja! nasib baik ada baca Earth Hour FAQ.. huhuhu..Owh yg ramai2 teriak Earth Hour! pun ada.. Noves, muka ko pun ada ni ekekeke...
Enjoy da clip! ;p
P/S: Rashidah ko juga la artis! Artis Youtube! wakakakaka
Here's an internal comment circulated within the network:
"At first I did not believe it was in Sabah. I thought it was in somewhere in OrangPutihland. But then, much later in the video I saw...some locals. One of whom, looks a lot like our Rashidah Maqbool.
Nice also to see all WWF staff mingling with the normal widlife/nightlife.
Think scuba zoo did great work." - DW
Wah! Mimang artis kamurang owh! Really glad tht Earth Hour 09 was a success...even my sis Daria wudnt stop reminding us to join in :) Kudos to WWF!
I had a Tele-conference meeting with ur sis the other day. hehe
ya si Rashidah tu yg artis..hahaha.. sa silend-stand-in-actress ja a.k.a wallpaper wakakaka ;p
Whoopsie thr's a typo!
'silent-stand-in-actress' mau jg pembetulan ni hehe Lindsay Porter..
uiseh..artis ko ah..(walaupun dialog hanyalah bunyi ketawa. wakakakaka)
yg artis si rashidah tu my colleague.. huhu..
becky was also a volunteer during the borneo marathon... registration jugak dat... masi dia ingat sa hehehe
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