Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Oh-Not-So-Fairytale story

Last week, i finally decided to come for worship practice and to the usual Lifeline Lifenite. I felt a little bit awkward at first, I haven't been meeting the Lifeline community and my church friend for quite some time ever since my mum's death. The awkwardness fades away as they welcome me with warm hugs and sweet smiles. Oh! Not forgeting the 'how are you?' questions and 'ei kurus suda ko!' remarks..hmmm..

What leads me to come back to the Ministry?

Like Princess Aurora who falls asleep, waiting for the kiss of her price charming to wake her up in Sleeping Beauty. Well for me its not a prince charming la who wakes me up (how i wish it was!!! Hahaha). It is the love of God that i saw through my family & close friends.

Im learning to see things that had happened as a blessing.

Im counting my blessings..

Thank you Lord for giving me a loving family that is willing to sacrifice their time, tiredness to accompany me during my nights at the ward, calling me every single day to know the updates on my health conditions and cooking sup lihing for me when i was sick (not forgeting! getting me ngiu chap upon request!huhu).

Thank you Lord for giving me cousins and friends who is willing to listen to me; my whining and complains (whatever u call it), a cousin who never fail to bring me for dinner whenever i went for outstation in KL, friend who is willing to make himself look stupid just to make me happy, friends who is willing to accompany me eat and make sure that i had my daily meals, friends that is there to offer me their tissues shoulder for me to cry on (that includes u Olivia :-p); besties who sacrifice their time to make a weekend gateway for me to chill out and for us to catch up on things.


I also wanna thank God for the ministry who never failed to support and pray for my mum, me and my family; my bro & sis in Christ who have faith in me...

Lord, thank you for the blessings and grace that you've given me.

God has given me all these & more... Ask for more should I not.. (tapi kalu tjumpa jin Aladin mau juga 3 wish hehe.. Gete o kan!)

okay! Enuf of my lenghty oh-not-so-fairytale story. Time to get real!!!

Me and my squzie muah during our usual post LN Fellowship. Its a chain reaction of da 'mouth pose'.. Hurm.. Im just glad that i choose to come back to the ministry :-D

Thats me and Faye..buat2 sibuk for da camera Camp..hehe..Here's a good news! Freedom Camp is coming soon.. Im so going!! It doesn't matter if I have to drive myself all the way to Pace Bene, Papar after work. Hopefuly da Quarterly Review in Kuching wont fall on 17 - 19 Apr 09 (its FC!). Im all excited about it! *smiles, smiles*

One Body In Christ
1 Cor 12:27 (NIV)


Miss Mathew said...

Hey gurl! I'm glad tht u r hvng great time :) hahaha! d mulut tuh bah!

Maneesa said...

tity ,
what happen ?? you were admitted ?
you ok ?

Charlene Dawn @ TiTy said...

miss mathew, mahal tu mulut punya pose tu! hehehe

sha, yes I was admitted after balik dari KL hari tu. I went back to Keningau the next day, was very weak and obey brought me to ER (pengalaman 1st tym naik wheel chair nih masuk wad! hehe). I was admitted for 4 days and 3 nights (sounds like a holiday vacation o kan? huhu). Doc put me in a less-salt diet with monitored fluid intake. But I'm okie now.. witty and chirpy as ever ;p

StephenieEzra said...

alalalaaaa ty..tis pic la u upload??
yeah Ty, let's pray that nothing will come our way& we'll b in Pace Bene for the freedom camp!!!