Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Here's a tribute clip made by my sister Obey recently. I was so touched! bikin nangis *sob, sob* and i was in a heartfelt-mode the entire day. She really have the grace and the strength to be able to complete the clip. I wouldn't dare to even try to do it (eventho i love doing clips). I don't have the strength to be able to do so. Nanti mata ja bengkak, clip dia tia pandai habis ni huhu.

Bey, it was a nice try. Nanti sa ajar ko kaedah2 membuat clip yang baik *aiseymen, riak sikijap ;p*. I like the singing ~not so pro ;p ..but it was a song sang from the heart. I felt it and I was moved by that~

*I miss my mummy*


Maneesa said...

me too :( but i know that i can always see her in you :)

Nova Renata said...

Yea, especially the way she laughs :)

Miss Mathew said...

I must say, authenticity beats the rest :) more sentimental value kan...