Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ekspedisi Puding Kelapa!

TiTy in search for 'good food'... really focussing on her mission huh?... hahaha... hopefully by the next check-up ada peningkatan berat badan suda! yesterday I had Tuna cheese sandwich and ice-cocoa (plus pearl) in yoyo. Nice! kalau kana belanja mmg sedap bah tu makanan (andang2 orang bilang) hehehe

The Coconut Puding Expedition!

Yeah! untuk memenuhi ke'craving'an si Noves for the past 3 weeks. FINALLY, today we went for an Expedition mo pi makan puding kelapa dalam kelapa. hehe. Went off at around 11.30am. Meg was suppose to join us but then she got sumthing (meg, u miss the adventurela! hehe). Me, Noves (I'm car-pooling with noves since her little Pixie masuk spital ;p) & Conchitz meet up at Citimall. We had our brunch in POPEA Cafe in CTmall. They have a very interesting menu there (the menu makes me wanna read! how i wish i brought along my red pen) ;p

~The PoPea Fried Rice~

After our brunch, we depart from CTmall and off we go to Salut. I dun really know the place, Noves is bad with direction, Conchitz ingat2 lupa... we're heading there with meg's instruction. Setelah melakukan 2 kesilapan terlimpas simpang... melakukan 1 U-turn and 1 U-turn 360 darjah di roundabout salut! AKHIRNYA kami sampai ke destinasi.... hahahaha

Conchitz & Novey Dovey with their coconut puding. Noves, ko jugala... berjaya menghabiskan tu puding... both me & conchitz fail to finish our coconut puding. Kenyang gila...

Us before leaving the stall! Sempat ni ambik gambar kenang-kenangan. Noves keeps on talking about the lokan there. kunun la "lokan you're next!" ... macam dia pandai makan lokan...kuikuikui... dulu d Tawau org kasi Oyster 1st class pun temau, apa lagi lokan... they're in da same family you know... sepupu tiga kali tu...hahahaha

Me & my coconut puding


~|..BIAN..|~ said...

waduh..bikin lapar la. hehehe..

Miss Mathew said...

Hahaha! I knw tht plc! I used to go thr too...lokan dia mimang sdap jgak tu sana! but byk flies kan? but d pudding klapa dlm klapa tatap sadap!

Charlene Dawn @ TiTy said...

Bian, kalau lapar pi mkn...hehe

Miss Mathew, ya mmg sedap tu puding kelapa dalam kelapa! time kami pi teda juga byk flies...hehe.. tu ketam bakar nampak sedap oso owh! tp tym tu ada khabar2 red tides nda jadi order... hehe